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This module contains the entrypoint to quizli.

We use the typer package to create a CLI.

For more information see the CLI reference


Open the documentation page in the browser

Source code in quizli/
def demo():
    """Open the documentation page in the browser"""
    import webbrowser"", new=2)

start(from_csv=<typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f8c41a142e0>, mode=<typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f8c41a16050>, quiz_name=<typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f8c41a17790>, randomize=<typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f8c41a16170>)

Start the quiz with the configuration of your choice.

Select Quiz Content

There are 2 ways to create a quiz with quizli:

  1. From a csv file containing question-answer pairs: e.g. quizli start --from-csv examples/quiz.csv
  2. From a function in the example module: e.g. quizli start --quiz-name python_quiz
Select Quiz Settings

You can choose to

  • Shuffle the quiz with the --randomize flag (default), or keep it --in-order.

  • Terminate the quiz with the first wrong answer with mode=sudden_death, or continue on failure with mode=complete (default).

Source code in quizli/
def start(
    from_csv: Optional[Path] = typer.Option(
        None, exists=True, help="Read a quiz from a csv-file"
    mode: QuizMode = typer.Option(
        help="Select the condition for the quiz to end",
    quiz_name: QuizKind = typer.Option(
        QuizKind.PYTHON_QUIZ, help="Select a built-in quiz"
    randomize: bool = typer.Option(
        help="Shuffle the quiz before starting it",
    # {==(4)==} The docstring below will automatically be inserted into the help message
    # and can be shown with `quizli start --help`. The same is true for the help
    # strings we defined above for the parameters of the `start` function.
    Start the quiz with the configuration of your choice.

    ### Select Quiz Content

    There are 2 ways to create a quiz with `quizli`:

    1. From a csv file containing question-answer pairs: e.g. `quizli start --from-csv examples/quiz.csv`
    2. From a function in the `example` module: e.g. `quizli start --quiz-name python_quiz`

    ### Select Quiz Settings

    You can choose to

    - Shuffle the quiz with the `--randomize` flag (default), or keep it `--in-order`.

    - Terminate the quiz with the first wrong answer with `mode=sudden_death`, or continue on failure with `mode=complete` (default).

    config = QuizConfig(mode=mode, randomize=randomize)

    if from_csv is not None:
        quiz = Quiz.from_csv(Path(from_csv))
        quiz = getattr(examples, quiz_name)()

    quiz_session = QuizSession(quiz, config)

Last update: March 11, 2022