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How to create an interactive quiz app with Python?

Since the main purpose of the learning guide is to teach you how to create an open source project for an existing app or library, we will only shortly describe quizli itself.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

  • List the main building blocks of the quizli
  • Modify & improve quizli via the experience you gained through the assignments
  • Work with the rich library to make your own app interactive and beautiful

1. Main building blocks of a simple quiz app

Assignment 1


2. Make your quiz beautiful and interactive

In order to bring color and interactivity into our quiz we make heavy use of the rich library.

Assignment 2

  • a) Read through the code reference of the layout module and the session module
  • b) Create your own quiz layout class that inherits from QuizLayoutBase, similar to the FancyQuizLayout. It could be a minimalist quiz layout, or maybe you want to show off your creative power and design a beautiful und super-complex layout.


2. Dynamically create a quiz

The examples module shows how to dynamically create a quiz and have it automatically pop up in quizli's CLI.

Assignment 3

  • a) Read through the code reference of the example module
  • b) Create your own dynamic quiz, by implementing a function similar to the python_quiz and the binary_number_quiz functions. Add your quiz as a variant to the QuizKind enumeration, so that it will be automatically added as an option in quizli's CLI.
  • c) The built-in Python quiz has a problem: when asking for the name of a Python object/module given it's description, the description sometimes contains the answer itself. Improve the python_quiz by writing code that strips out the answer from the question field before showing it.

Last update: March 11, 2022